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Colorado State University

Student Success Requirements

DSF wants you to succeed as you pursue your education, and in partnership with the Colorado State University DSF Scholars are provided with additional support on campus to help you be successful. DSF Scholars must meet certain Student Success Requirements to maintain scholarship eligibility. 

Click on the button below to download a PDF of the Student Success Requirements at CSU, plus details on reaching your campus contact.

Campus Contacts

Contact the Community for Excellence Scholar Programs at 970.491.7065 to be connected with your assigned advisor.

Aliyah Cardona

Myanne Hamm

Olivia Velasquez

Financial Aid Office

Jay MacDougall

Visit Financial Aid website >

1000 East Dr.
Centennial Hall
Fort Collins, CO 80523


Student Support Programs

DSF wants every college student to successfully complete a college degree or certificate. Below are some helpful resources and programs that are available at CSU.

  • TRIO Student Support Services/Academic Advancement Center (AAC) – The AAC is committed to providing a transformative undergraduate experience and supporting students from low-income, first-generation, and disability backgrounds succeed from orientation through graduation. Through a student-centered, strengths-based approach providing intentional, holistic academic support including tutoring, seminars, mentoring, leadership development, career and graduate school placement, the AAC aims to increase academic performance, retention and graduation of students from underrepresented backgrounds.
  • Key Communities  The Key Communities are highly diverse first and second year learning communities designed to assist students with their transition to and through the university. Based on active and experiential learning through interdisciplinary classes, service-learning, academic and career exploration, undergraduate research and leadership development, Key aims to increase retention and academic performance of participants, encourage campus and community involvement, and promote diversity awareness.
  • President’s Leadership Program – three year, fourteen credit leadership development experience for undergraduate students. In addition to traditional classroom learning, students participate in retreats, service projects, and internships that allow them to apply their knowledge and training.
  • College of Natural Sciences Learning Community – a residential learning community for students with majors in the College of Natural Sciences. Provides academic support to our members by facilitating activities designed with a current understanding of how learning works.
  • Summer Scholars Program – the summer scholars program is a way of connecting you to campus resources and starting your first year on the right foot. It’s a time filled with activities, instruction, and information critical to your college success.
  • Educational Opportunity Center – The EOC houses a collection of resources that help students both along their degree path and in navigating life after graduation.